By far the best proof is experience.  

Sir Francis Bacon (1561 - 1626)

eSWIR USB3 Cameras - OpteamX

SWIR Vision Systems, has pioneered quantum-dot based infrared image sensors. This disruptive sensor technology has delivered full high definition infrared sensing to the industrial imaging market for the first time.
The company’s patented CMOS-based CQD™ technology has the potential to scale down the cost of infrared sensors, and approach the cost of today’s silicon-based CMOS sensors, unlocking multiple large-scale and high growth market applications. The company manufactures and ships their novel Acuros CQD SWIR cameras globally from its operations center in Research Triangle Park, North Carolina.




USB3 (1)

Sensor type

AcurosTM CQDTM (1)


640 x 512 (1)


Model Interface Resol (px) Sensor type Format Color/B/W FPS Shutter Housing Resolution
AcurosTM CQDTM 640 USB3 0.33 AcurosTM CQDTM 640 x 512 IR 380
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